
The two years of your MBA is the best time to invest in yourself. While you’re doing your MBA and getting ready to become a professional, it is crucial to be self-aware. It is important to ask yourself the right questions – Who am I? Where do I want to go? What do I want to achieve?

At BITSoM, you will co-create a personal development plan with the faculty. The process starts from the orientation week itself with the administration of a psychometric test and getting feedback from people who know you well. It will help you answer the first question – Who am I and gives you a starting point to navigate further.

The next step is to figure out where you want to go, or what are your goals – what is the role or industry that you want to work in? What organizational values are important for you? Our faculty will conduct one on one sessions with you and help you to understand your choices in the context of your strengths, skills, and personality. This will also enable you to identify the gaps between where you are and where you want to go.

Further, our faculty will help you identify your learning goals based on new skills or styles that you will need to develop in order to prepare for your chosen role/s and guide you in your journey towards self-improvement. From recommending the right electives and specializations for you, to encouraging you to join? certain? clubs and committees, our faculty will help you to make the best use of the resources and opportunities available at BITSoM.

In essence, the BITSoM MBA experience is tailor made for you to make the best out of your MBA and to prepare you to be job ready. However, the learning doesn’t stop here. As individuals, we are all works in progress (WIP’s). And this is going to be just the beginning of lifelong learning.


The Mentorship Programme at BITSoM fosters student development by giving them an opportunity to engage with and learn from experienced and accomplished leaders from Industry. It focuses on providing exposure and inputs on leadership, teamwork, creative thinking, decision making & interpersonal skills.

This is a year-long association in which each student is assigned a mentor based on functional areas / domains and entails frequent interactions in which the mentor guides the mentee in establishing short-term and long-term, personal as well as professional goals.

Apart from networking & building connections, it provides a platform for mentees to take charge of their own development by clarifying their goals, bouncing thoughts off the mentor, and developing an understanding of the industry. All of this is aimed at making them industry ready on their first day at work.?

This significant programme is immensely beneficial for mentees as it inculcates them to:

  • Identify their true potential and harness it for personal as well as professional growth
  • Get strategic and personalised advice from professionals
  • Understand the various facets of the industry that helps in improving decision making
  • Connect and engage with leading professionals having experience as well as expertise
  • Build a foundation of business interactions and learn the art of functioning in an actual business environment

A few of the leaders from across industry who are mentoring BITSoM students


The Placement Readiness Programme (PRP) of BITSoM allows the students to supplement their in-classroom teaching with outside-the-classroom learning. The Industry Partnerships & Career Services (IPCS) team engages with recruiters across industries to invite Senior Business Leaders to speak with the students under our property “SPOTLiGHT – Learn from Industry Practitioners”.
The knowledge partners along with the IPCS team help the students get ready for their placements by:
  • Giving them inputs on industry and domains
  • Conducting resume building sessions with the students
  • Conducting mock interview sessions in both online and offline mode for the interviews
  • Organising conclaves on various domains which allow industry leaders to engage with larger audiences and discuss best practices within their respective industries and organisations
  • Giving inputs to students on the companies and job roles being opened on campus.
The IPCS team also helps source Corporate Live Projects, which allow students to engage with various industries and understand their calling, thereby helping them to plan their career trajectories for the future. There is an Industry Study treks that allow students to have a flavour of organisations and the work they do.